Colors Gray Shades

Light Violet Gray 18KT015

Light Violet Gray - 18KT015

Photo: Privatkundschaft, ©ktCOLOR. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

Our sense of vision is sensitive to a tiny range of solar energy which we use to perceive contrasts in brightness and color. We assess contrasts constantly and decide within split seconds which ones to pay attention to. The colors in our environments are thus central factors in our ability to focus on what’s important in the spaces we live in. Which colors would we recommend for built spaces? Natural whites reveal and natural darks conceal. A pearlescent gray such as this one is halfway in between. Such walls have a wonderfully discrete presence.
Subtle Backgrounds: How ktCOLOR Light Gray Shades Enhance Your Designs

The natural, light gray colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with high-quality pigments. They are characterized by great elegance, depth and an unparalleled tactile effect. Compared to gray tones made from synthetic pigments by color mixing machines, ktCOLOR's gray paint colors are more natural and aesthetically pleasing.

Midway between light and shadow, balanced between red and blue.

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