
Green Gray 32KT044

Green Gray - 32KT044

Foto: Ortsmuseum Meilen, ©Thomas Weber. Text: Katrin Trautwein ©ktCOLOR 2024.

This calming grayish green has a long history of use as a wall paint in English interiors. It is a backdrop color that gives “all neighboring colors a subdued, coherent quality.” Max Doerner was referring to the color’s ability to adapt to lighting conditions and other colors in such a subtle manner that most color combinations will look balanced against this pleasant background. Green gray shares this ability to fold bright colors and hard contrasts into its soft embrace with all of the natural umbers.
Premium Natural Pigments: The Benefits of a ktCOLOR Green Shade

The green paint colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with rare, natural pigments. They lend your spaces an authentic connection to nature, making them a perfect choice for your design projects. Other greens are made without our exclusive, high-quality natural pigments and they will sacrifice this appeal. Insist on ktCOLOR – you will enjoy vibrant green colors as radiant as the natural greens in nature.

The gray-green of a cactus bud about to disclose its fair blossoms.

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