Colors Gray Shades

Gray Velvet 26KT013

Gray Velvet - 26KT013

Photo: ©Josef Rädlinger Bau. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

Gray velvet is a lighter shade of KT 26.012 Art gallery gray. The references for these related colors were found on wall samples from the salon of the Villa La Roche. They served the owner of the building, Raoul La Roche, as the background colors for the presentation of Cubist art collection. A prudent choice, as subtle gray colors such as these two remain discretely in the background while allowing ambient colors to look more luminous. This lends depth to a space and allows artwork to look brighter.
Subtle Backgrounds: How ktCOLOR Light Gray Shades Enhance Your Designs

The natural, light gray colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with high-quality pigments. They are characterized by great elegance, depth and an unparalleled tactile effect. Compared to gray tones made from synthetic pigments by color mixing machines, ktCOLOR's gray paint colors are more natural and aesthetically pleasing.

A tranquil backdrop for pleasant spaces of harmony.

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