
Deep Red 32KT090

Deep Red - 32KT090

Photo: ©Michael Dax. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

An exquisitely vibrant, archetypical red: neither yellow nor blue, and thus typical for the perception of red. Deep red appears to advance in space and fill it with a strong presence. This may be why Wassily Kandinsky referred to it as a “fanfare color.” Opposites are known to attract; in this case, KT 04.003 Prussian blue is Deep red’s opposite. The blue with the consonant force of deep cello music withdraws into the background, allowing brassy Deep red to attract all of the attention.
From Deep Crimsons to Bright Scarlets: Why Choose ktCOLOR Reds

With the red paint colors crafted by hand in Switzerland by ktCOLOR, you can create stylish effects, from energetic and dynamic to calming, relaxing, and elegant. It all depends on the pigments: ktCOLOR does not use conventional red tinting pastes, but brilliant Ferrari red, or a natural earth pigment from Venice, or a rare and beautiful burgundy red. Take advantage of these most powerful pigments for your living spaces!

A truly rich red, as present in space as brass fanfare music.

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