Colors White Shades

Creamy White 18KT024

Creamy White - 18KT024

Foto: ©K Plus Architektur, Rapperswil. Text: Katrin Trautwein, ©ktCOLOR 2024.

The skillful staging of light-dark and solid-void contrasts characterizes Le Corbusier’s architecture. The well-considered placement of white elements is key to its success. The white solid is drawn against the background, which may be dark, blue as the sky, or sandy. But which white did Le Corbusier give preference to? “Rendered completely in white, the building would resemble a pot of cream,” he wrote in 1925, proving that his white had a color like this and not the paler color of milk or porcelain.
Luminous Architecture: Why to Choose a ktCOLOR White Shade

ktCOLOR whites are handcrafted in Switzerland from natural pigments. Each white brings an unmistakable clarity and luminosity to your space, effortlessly harmonizing with nature's multicolored hues. ktCOLOR whites are crafted for those who value natural materials and a healthy living environment. They are the premier choice for bright, organic interiors.

This creamy white bathes architecture in its rich, warm glow.

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