Colors Green Shades

Andeer Granite Green 21KT013

Andeer Granite Green - 21KT013

Photo: ©ktCOLOR. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

Andeer is a town in the Viamala region of Switzerland. Three stone quarries in the area yield granite with a fascinating, gray-green coloration attributed to the presence of light green phengite and dark green chlorite feldspars. Andeer granite is too hard to be used as a pigment, but we developed a blend of natural pigments with identical properties. The resulting color between green, blue, and gray is neither cool nor warm. It is simply solid and reliable, like Andeer granite. It can be used to good effect in many different spatial contexts.
Premium Natural Pigments: The Benefits of a ktCOLOR Green Shade

The green paint colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with rare, natural pigments. They lend your spaces an authentic connection to nature, making them a perfect choice for your design projects. Other greens are made without our exclusive, high-quality natural pigments and they will sacrifice this appeal. Insist on ktCOLOR – you will enjoy vibrant green colors as radiant as the natural greens in nature.

A sage witness to the beauty of green granite.

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