Colors Green Shades

Agave Green 21KT012

Agave Green - 21KT012

Photo: ©Daan Koch. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

The succulents and the agave plants adjust to seasonal differences in solar radiation differently than foliage-bearing plants, which adapt the number of leaves and their coloration to the sun’s radiation. The restrained, gray-green hue shown by succulents and by this paint color fits in with almost any kind of environment. Agave green appears cool in shaded spaces, warm in sunlight and under warm lighting, modest and elegant in any space. Thanks to the balance between blue, yellow, gray, and red components, Agave green is versatile and irresistible under all conditions of lighting.
Premium Natural Pigments: The Benefits of a ktCOLOR Green Shade

The green paint colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with rare, natural pigments. They lend your spaces an authentic connection to nature, making them a perfect choice for your design projects. Other greens are made without our exclusive, high-quality natural pigments and they will sacrifice this appeal. Insist on ktCOLOR – you will enjoy vibrant green colors as radiant as the natural greens in nature.

A cozy and well-balanced green.

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