Colors Gray Shades

Good Spirit Gray 18KT028

Good Spirit Gray - 18KT028

Photo: ©Nina Struve, Farbkonzept architektur interior berlin für Grotheer Architektur. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

Good spirits are held to be barely perceptible and as fleeting as shadows. It is their job to infuse space with a benign, calm presence while remaining in the background. Traces of ultramarine blue and the natural pigments in this formulation create a remarkably light, velvety color which casts beautiful shadows on walls and in corners. Spaces look deeper and inviting when they are painted with Good spirit gray. They nestle themselves in the viewer’s memory and whisper words of welcome.
Subtle Backgrounds: How ktCOLOR Light Gray Shades Enhance Your Designs

The natural, light gray colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with high-quality pigments. They are characterized by great elegance, depth and an unparalleled tactile effect. Compared to gray tones made from synthetic pigments by color mixing machines, ktCOLOR's gray paint colors are more natural and aesthetically pleasing.

A subtle backdrop that permeates space with its freshness.

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