Colors Green Shades

Thistle Green 21KT014

Thistle Green - 21KT014

Photo: Lara Droll, ©Maler Rinderspacher. Text: Katrin Trautwein, 225 Farben, 2017 ©Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel.

Thistle green is lighter than Sage green. It extends a most useful series of greens starting with light Spanish moss and ending with dark Spanish green. These greens close a gap between greens made with cobalt pigments and those made with raw umber. Cobalt pigments lend themselves to impressive, dense, and dynamic paint colors while raw umber pigments create barely green, almost achromatic, and earthy ones. Thistle green contains both pigments, resulting in a green that is completely natural and balanced in its effects on space.
Premium Natural Pigments: The Benefits of a ktCOLOR Green Shade

The green paint colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with rare, natural pigments. They lend your spaces an authentic connection to nature, making them a perfect choice for your design projects. Other greens are made without our exclusive, high-quality natural pigments and they will sacrifice this appeal. Insist on ktCOLOR – you will enjoy vibrant green colors as radiant as the natural greens in nature.

A dreamy green for harmonious and calming spaces.

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