Colors Beige and Tan Shades

House by the Sea 17KT004

Foto: ©Manuel Bougot, E.1027. Text: Katrin Trautwein, ©ktCOLOR 2024. Literatur: Farben für die Sinne: Eileen Grays Farben im Haus am Meer. kt.COLOR, 2022.

Create More Inviting Spaces: Why to Choose Natural ktCOLOR Beige Shades

The beige shades from ktCOLOR, which we have more precisely named “Umbra” and “Sand Colors”, owe their distinctive natural appeal to natural stone pigments and colored sand. These high-quality natural materials make all the difference: the human eye immediately recognizes the authentic natural look. ktCOLOR focuses consciously on genuine natural pigments, which not only enrich the haptic effect of our paint colors, but are also in harmony with the environment. They account for the incomparable charm of this ktCOLOR color. It is a gift for the eye and for nature.

The sandy white of the pebbly beach near Monte Carlo.

House by the Sea - 17KT004
The English poet William Blake saw the miracles of creation on a small scale, the “world in a grain of sand” and the “sky in a wild flower”. In this sense, Eileen Gray paid unerring attention to every detail and selected with care every color in her charming house by the sea. “Formulas,” she wrote, “are nothing, life is everything. And life is both heart and mind”. Her choice of a white for the house reflects this conviction: a colorless white would not have sufficed, this light sand color is full of sensuality and life.
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