Colors Green Shades

Forest Green 24KT040

Forest Green - 24KT040

Foto: Martin Peter, ©ktCOLOR. Text: Katrin Trautwein, ©ktCOLOR 2024.

Premium Natural Pigments: The Benefits of a ktCOLOR Green Shade

The green paint colors handcrafted by ktCOLOR are made with rare, natural pigments. They lend your spaces an authentic connection to nature, making them a perfect choice for your design projects. Other greens are made without our exclusive, high-quality natural pigments and they will sacrifice this appeal. Insist on ktCOLOR – you will enjoy vibrant green colors as radiant as the natural greens in nature.


Weltos Green, derived from the ancient Indo-European word “Weltos” meaning “forest,” simply means forest green. This timeless color is a lighter, more muted version of Deep Pine Green. It creates a calm, cozy atmosphere and is particularly appreciated in interior design, as it fosters a deep connection to nature without being overpowering.
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