
KT 08.008 Matt lilac

The color of lilac blossoms in a shady corner of the park.

Referenz - kt.COLOR, 2008

Farbfunktion - dynamic

Wirksamkeit - good under all lighting conditions

Surface colors are all too often assessed in terms of the laws that govern colored light. This simplification, which is central to color measurement, has allowed researchers to develop color theories that need not concern themselves with pigments. On the downside, valuable knowledge about the relationships between matter, light, space, and vision has been lost to architecture. This graceful color was developed to pay tribute to all of these aspects.

Katrin Trautwein, 225 Colors, 2020 ©Birkhäuser Publishers, Basel


Customer feedback

"Their colors are just unbelievably beautiful, whether the sun is shining, or it's rainy weather, or night, with every play of light they look different again. Incredible."

AM, Privatkunde